Tuesday 7 May 2013

Take me out!

Hey everyone! :)

I've had a very busy day today, goodness gracious! It has been a wonderful day and I'm glad that I finally got out of my house and was able to do something. Fun fact for you all; I never get invited anywhere. As sad as that sounds, it is completely true, but it isn't all that bad. It makes me cherish the times when I do get to go out and see my friends. Today I met up with a friend who has been away at school for months and decided that it was a good idea to meet up with each other and just hang out for a little while. Which of course entails going back to our old school and spending time with friends that were younger then us and haven't quite graduated yet.

To the majority of people who read that last line, I've just appeared insane haven't I? I should explain first that my old high school was nothing like most high schools. I can honestly say that I've never had more of a family feeling when walking into a building and talking to people; teachers and students alike. It just feels like everyone in the school is a small, tight community that holds onto one another for support. I've relied on that school much more then I should simply because of the family feeling to it all. I figure that it has something to do with the fact that we had less then 1500 people in our school (I think my graduating class had 60 students in it) simply because the work load was intense compared with the other schools in the area. Oh well, I guess I am just one of those people that are forever going to be stuck in high school.

So as I was saying before, I met up with a friend and the original plan was to meet up and grab some lunch and tea and just talk and catch up. Well considering the fact that we spent about three hours at the high school talking and having a good time, we ended up getting dinner instead. Either way it was super nice and I was glad to be able to talk to her again! Now, I'm not one of those people who have an Instagram and post pictures of every meal, but the place that we went had amazing food and I felt the need to take a picture of it.

A wonderful dinner, complete with ice-tea!
Doesn't that look amazing? So I got a simple greek salad for my side, since I wasn't feeling as adventurous as I could have been. Oh well, to each their own? According to the menu my sandwich is a sunflower rye bread with mushrooms, spinach, oregano, feta and provolone, all grilled to a perfection. I rarely eat out (mostly because I am a broke university student) but when I do, we end up picking amazing places. It was perfect for a day out and I'm glad that I managed to get the time to do it!

Thanks so much everyone for reading and I know it was kinda boring today? I'm sorry! If you have anything you'd like to see me write/talk about feel free to leave it in a comment! I love getting feedback as well and just hearing what you did/didn't like about my blog post.

I'll try and talk to you again soon, depending on how work is going to treat me these next few days. 
Until then, 
Cheers! x

-A (somelittlebirds)

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