Sunday 5 May 2013

A welcome to one and all.

From the snowy north, deep into the Canadian wilderness comes a girl, a girl who has a lot on her mind and no where to say it. A girl who wants to find solace in her life by writing...that girl is me.

Hey everyone! :)

Yes, I am aware that opening is a little bit wonky, but it caught your attention didn't it? That is the only real purpose of it. Now, I'm not very good at writing introductions because I feel like I am just giving a boring history lesson (not to say that all history is boring) that no one would be really interested in. I do realize however that you probably want some kind of information about the person who you've happened to stumble upon and I happy to give a little bit of information! Having said that, I am terrified of some people on the internet. You know when you were growing up, everyone always said to be careful about who you talked to online and the kind of people you trusted? Well that has always stuck with me, so I'm very careful with the personal information that I give out. I know, I know, why bother blogging if I'm not going to talk a lot about personal things? Well I can do that very easily with a simple manner of changing names and places. :) 

The first thing that I think you should all know is that I live with my grandparents, but not for any bad reasons. I've lived with them for the majority of my life (at least as long as I can remember) and I honestly could not imagine my life without them. I live in a relatively small town (compared to places like Toronto, Ottawa and Vancouver for people who might know those names) so you can imagine the kind of looks I would be getting if I walked around talking about a blog all the time. Especially with the people that  know! I am the oldest of two children, but my younger brother lives with my parents about fifteen minutes away from where I am living. Roughly and depending on how fast you drive, haha. I am currently nineteen years of age, and I am so not looking forward to growing up in some ways! I'm currently in university; studying a major in history and education, a minor in religion. My ultimate dream goal is to go and teach in the United Kingdom when my course is done in four years time, but we'll have to wait and see how that goes. 

I think for now that is all that I'm going to throw out there, if you have any questions about anything go ahead and ask! I'll try and be as honest as I can be with everything and I really do want to make friends with you all and keep you as updated on my life as I possibly can! Thank you for bearing through this super long introduction and I promise that the other posts will be a lot better and more interesting. Hopefully more photographic as well! 

Until then, 

-A (somelittlebirds)

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