Saturday 17 August 2013

My First Time.

Hey everyone! :)

So I have been watching a lot of Youtube videos and of course a number of people have been making video responses to an idea that Louise had done; my first time. Now before you start jumping to conclusions, this is not what you are thinking so get your head out of the gutter silly people. The tag is one that talks about the first experiences about a lot of different life events. Since the majority of you liked the 25 facts about me post that I did a while back I decided to give this one a try! I’ve collected a number of questions from the various videos out there so the questions might seem familiar.

Who is your first love?
Well this is a great place to jump in isn’t it? I’ll be perfectly honest and say that I have probably never been in love with another person as of this point and time. Will that change in the future, most probably. For now I am going to take this as a WHAT instead of a WHO and say that theatre or teaching is my first love. Those are both things that I have been doing since I was young and have always had a passion for. Without my acting I don’t know how I would have met a lot of my friends or gotten through high school. I guess it runs in my blood because my father is an avid actor and both my parents were teachers once upon a time. Oh no, does that mean I am turning into my parents?!

What was your first kiss like?
Confession time, I’ve never been kissed before. I could lie and make something up but I honestly don’t see the point of holding that kind of information back from all of you, it isn’t right. I’ve never had a first kiss before and it isn’t something that I am ashamed of or that I regret. I was never the kind of girl who was boy crazy or who went on dates with a lot of guys, I was far more concerned about school and getting good grades. Yes, I was one of those kids. I am of the mindset that if it is going to happen, it will happen with time. I’m not going to rush it, I’m just going to enjoy my life.

What was your first pet?
The first and only pet(s) that I had were a pair of Chinese Fighting fish. My younger brother and I each got two, one blue and one pink one. Now, the saddest part of this story has to be the fact that my little brother murdered my fish. Yup my first pet was murdered when I wasn’t even home. He wanted to see if they could swim back up the pipes so he FLUSHED my fish down the toilet and waited to see what would happen. Those poor little fish didn’t have a chance, and I never even got to say good-bye. Needless to say they never did swim back up the pipes so maybe they liked it down in the sewers? I doubt it but I would like to think they were happy for a little while before they were killed by a maniac.

What was you first meeting with a friend like?
So I don’t remember meeting my first friend because I knew her as far back as I can remember, so I am going to talk about the first time I met my friend Jessica. Way back in the seventh grade I changed schools to attend an all girl’s school and left the majority of my friends at another school. So I was basically starting from scratch and ended up trying to figure out who I was going to make friends with. One of the girls I went to school with prior to grade seven, Kaitlin, and I stood in the gym where all the new grade sevens were gathered and surveyed our homeroom/class. There was one girl standing off by herself, leaning against the wall all quiet and we thought she looked quite sad (turned out she wasn’t but was just tired, but whatever, it worked out for the best). So the two of us, being quite loud and obnoxious people looking back on it now walked up to her and said, “Hey there! Do you want to be friends!?!” Yup, that is right, we forced a friendship onto her and I couldn’t be happier that we did. Jessica and I are still really good friends and I think I’ve had some of the best times of my life with her and a solid group we’ve collected over the years.

What is the first music you bought?
So way back when there were these things called discmen. They came after walkmen and were used to play CDs when on the go.  For one of my birthdays I was given a discman of my own and decided that I was going to pick up two CDs. The two that I saved up for were; Holiday in the Sun from the Mary-Kate and Ashley movie and Avril Lavigne’s Let Go. Yes, 2002 was a very strange time for many people and their musical tastes, let’s not judge them based on that. However, before that I had a tape player that I used to listen to Spice Girls on a lot until the tape broke in half from being used way too often.

What was the first concert that you attended?
I think it would have been the fifth or sixth grade when I went to my first concert. Back then I loved, loved, loved Hillary Duff in all of her movies and owned all her CDs. So when I found out that she was going to come to my small town, I begged my parents to get me tickets. So when my mother got them for my birthday, I was thrilled! I found out my friend got floor tickets and figured that the two of us would sit on the floor and our parents would sit in the stands like a bunch of other kids parents were doing. However, that didn’t happen. My “best friend” asked another girl to sit on the floor with her and I got stuck sitting with my grandfather and her mother in the stands. They refused to let me stand up, sing or do anything fun at all. So I wasn’t very happy through the concert and I kind of wish that I hadn’t just acted like a brat at the time.

What was the first “gadget” you owned?
Well, technically it was an alarm clock that I wanted desperately because in all the TV shows that I watched the kids always woke up to that dreaded alarm. So I desperately wanted to act grown up and just like them so my family bought me one…that never really got used because I hated the sound of the alarm and found it wasn’t as magical as it appeared! I think one of the ones that I used the most would have to be this Barbie Lantern that I got when I was younger because I was scared of the dark. I would use it to walk from my room to the bathroom when I got up and man did it throw a lot of light! It was shaped like a flower and could be used for just a few seconds or to stay on for a longer time. I loved using that and I think I must have it hidden someplace or another.

What was your first word?
No. Simple as that, it was the word no. I didn’t want to go someplace or do something according to my grandparents so I just said no flat out. Of course, I still got dragged out on this outing but it was delayed because everyone had to make a big deal about the first word. Well soon enough everyone got annoyed with the fact that everything I said was No this and NO that, because I didn’t know another word yet.  Imagine how annoying that would have been for everyone involved. I shudder at the thought of something so negative.

What was your first teddy?
I have had this bear since I was born I believe? Once upon a time if you pressed on the two hands it would talk and say various things. You could record your name into it and it would say your name, but that has long since broke and we took the voice box out of it. To this day I still sleep with it on my bed because I use it to block out noise (because I am a weird person who can’t sleep if my ears are open to the room).  Of course it is really worn down but the clothes that it used to wear completely disintegrated in the wash when we were trying to get them clean. I don’t think we could even get all the pieces out of the washer and dryer.

What was your first job like?
So I am going to say that babysitting doesn’t count because almost everyone has done that at some point in their life. At least, most girls that I know have done some kind of babysitting as a first job. The first “official” job I got was the one I currently work at. Yes, it seems funny to still just have a first job but my grandparents didn’t want me to work during high school because it would be too much stress. So in March of 2012 I got my first job at Winners! Woo hoo exciting right?! I love the place that I work and I’ve been lucky enough to stay there for a year and a half at this point. It honestly feels like a family and I’ve been super lucky to make the friends that I have through work. It is an amazing experience and I am glad to be able to keep learning on a regular basis.

What was the first Disney Movie you saw?
I am going to age myself a little bit and say that this movie I saw in theatres when it first came out; Mulan. I was four years old and my parents took my little brother and I to go and see the movie at our local movie theatre. I can still remember how much fun I had while I was there but how terrified I was from the Huns and the bit of violence there was in it. However, I couldn’t imagine my life if I hadn’t seen it because it is honestly one of my favourite movies on the planet when it comes to Disney.

Alright guys that wraps up my list of firsts! I think it is a good note to end it on, don’t you; a love of Disney that has grown into a passion for the amazing company. If there are any other firsts that you would like me to talk about leave me a comment and I’ll try and give you some bonus round questions down there!

Cheers! x


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